Psychological Affects of Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs: At the Heart of the Matter

Over the past decade bed bugs have earned quite the reputation, with infestations breaking out around the globe, even in heavily developed countries such as the United States and Canada.

What was once considered the sign of lack of cleanliness has begun affecting people from all walks of life, and while the financial and physical stress of a bed bug infestation are easy to pinpoint, experts are just now realizing the emotional toll that these tiny creatures have on a household.

Bed bugs feed on a host’s blood, and have a penchant for hiding in the folds of mattresses and along the crevices of furniture. Their presence is frustrating, painful, nausea-inducing, and expensive to squelch. But why do bed bugs have such a strong effect on a persons emotions?


Social perception

For years, the average person believed that bed bug infestations only occurred in dirty homes. But bed bugs can be found just as easily in third world countries as they can in five-star hotels. Yet this perception remains hanging in the back of the average person’s mind, and when bed bugs strike, it can make the victim feel “less-than.”

Lack of good quality sleep

When infestations worsen, the constant biting and itching that a person experiences while they sleep truly leads to sleep deprivation, an issue that is a prime cause for mild depression.

A feeling of hopelessness

Despite dramatic advances in technology, eliminating a bed bug infestation is incredibly complex, and often rife with several failed attempts. This leads to a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness in individuals, especially when they lack the funds to hire a professional for treatment.