Bed Bugs Infestations 1
Real Life Pictures 1
Nest – Behind the HeadBoard !
This bed had many Bed Bugs nesting spots. This is a scene of the rear of a head board of a wooden bed frame. This is near the upper end of the head board.
As this is the side that is almost attached to the wall, light never reaches it. No body would glances at it. It is no surprise that this scene, normally, would be out of the casual sight and detection.
This situation depicted in this image is not a typical one. The infestation has developed to very high levels for various reasons.
Depressions of Stitching
A baby Bed Bug is taking comfort in the depressions of stitching of the box spring. The size of this baby bed bug is so small that it is hard to tell its front from it’s back!
When Bed Bugs move then it is much easier to notice them. So instinctively, they do not roam around unnecessarily for fear of being found out.
Another Shelter!
This is the scene of the ledge on which the box spring rests. This wooden ledge is factory covered with a fabric like material which is pitch black.
Without decent light and more than a glance look this would remain hidden.
The white eggs look almost like glowing in the light. You can see the light reflected in the black extruded feces as well.
Point is even though this picture has great clarity, in normal circumstances, this is very easy to be misses by a casual observer.
This situation depicted in this image is that of a well established infestation but not to the level where it would be in your face. If the residents were not experiencing bites or skin irritation, they may not become aware of bed bug presence. In typical light the significance of this situation can be overlooked.
Bed Bugs are not social insects and hence do not make nests like ants, wasps or bees.
It’s only the concentration or density of their presence, along with the eggs, skin sheds, and excrements that indicates the scope of a Bed Bug nest.
This situation depicted in this image is not a typical one. The infestation has developed to very high levels for various reasons.
A Sofa!
This Picture depicts a very high level of bed bugs infestation. A typical infestation would not compare to this in terms of the density of bed bugs, their (white) Eggs, Skin Sheds and (black dots) Feces.
In a typical situation where bed bugs have established themselves, you are mot likely to first notice the Bed Bugs’ excrements – the blacks. These could be extruding if not absorbed quickly OR burst into the fibres of a fabric – like ink.
Next you are likely to see the Bed Bugs or their Skin Sheds. Lastly you are to notice the presence of small white eggs!
This situation depicted in this image is not a typical one. The infestation has developed to very high levels for various reasons.
A Headboard
This Picture depicts a high level of bed bugs infestation. A typical infestation would only a few of these signs: number of of bed bugs, their (white) Eggs, Skin Sheds and (black dots) Feces.
The dark and completely rigid and movement free environment behind a headboard is ideal for bed bugs. They are completely out of view, safe and not too far from the host!
This situation depicted in this image is not a typical one. The infestation has developed to very high levels for various reasons.