Insecticides Spray Application

To exterminate Bed Bugs, we employ commercially licensed insecticides spray that kills live Bed Bugs and produces residual defence against eggs to be hatched. The spray application is done around key hiding spots in the bed components, furniture and around the baseboards and door frames in bed rooms and living room. It takes up to 5 weeks for all the Bed Bugs to get affected and die off.

Our services includes a limited 7 months warranty. While 80+ percent of the cases are resolved with initial inspection and treatment, if the second application is needed, we deliver it free of cost. For exceptional circumstances where a 3rd or more treatments are needed, we charge a 28% additional fee.




Other names for Bed Bugs include red coats, chinches, or mahogany flats. Bed Bug’s scientific name is Cimex lectularius Linnaeus. Bed Bugs are blood feeding parasites of humans and other mammals.

Bed Bugs are suspected to be carrying leprosy, oriental sore, Q-fever, etc but there has not been any proven cases of disease transfer to humans.

However, for over a decade there has been a resurgence in their infestations as reported to Pest Control Operators.

The adult Bed Bug is mostly flat and a bit oval shaped insect with no easily noticeable wings. Prior to feeding, Bed Bugs look more brown in color than after consuming a meal on human blood.

Two Bed Bugs besides a 10 ¢ coin:
Larger one likely a male and smaller one a female.

2 bed Bugs near a 10 ¢ coin


After ingesting a blood meal Bed Bugs become enlarged in their height. They look like puffed up. Their height and width does not change rather they become a bit fatter in their height. Adult Bed Bug length ranges from 6 to 9.5 mm.



Throughout Human dwellings, Bed Bugs are found where we rest or sleep. Being a parasite, Bed Bugs need a source of blood meal first and foremost. Then they would search for shelter nearby the host. In our homes, Bed Bugs are not evenly distributed but rather you would find them in cracks, slits, gaps, holes and crevices in our beds and sofas. Also, areas very near our beds and couches offering similar features of nesting would become a likely spot to nest in. Wall paper, curtains, carpeting, flooring, and baseboards near our beds and couches are also a likely consideration.

While Bed Bugs prefer to feed during the night but when stressed by hunger or an extended loss of a host, they will look for a host and try feed during the day as well.

Below is a Scene from a Bed Frame – A Ledge where box spring rests.
A finger is pointing at Many Adult Bed Bugs, White Shiny Eggs and Unabsorbed extruding black excrements.
This is an excellent example of a well established Bed Bug nest that might be a few months into the making.

A Bed Bug Nest on a ledge where the box spring would rest.


Bed Bugs can be transported on a person’s clothing or luggage. Bed Bugs do not have much clinging capability so they can not stick themselves to the hair, skin or fur of a mammal.

Bed Bug Nests

Bed Bugs are not social insects and hence do not make nests like ants, wasps or bees.
It’s only the concentration or density of their presence, along with the eggs, skin sheds, and excrements that indicates the scope of a Bed Bug nest.

Life Cycle

The female Bed Bug has the capacity to lays approximately 200 eggs during her life span at a rate of one to 12 eggs per day. The eggs are laid near the nesting areas. The eggs are cemented with a transparent fluid to these surfaces. In about 6 – 17 days Bed Bug nymphs emerge from these white shiny eggs. These nymphs look almost transparent as they do not have much color. Each Bed Bug passes through five molts to finally become an adult, which takes about 10 weeks. During each molt process, Bed Bug would shed their skin. These skin sheds are also a tell tale sign of their presence.

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